The Seamless Checkout Experience
Digital wallets and electronic payment platforms are ubiquitous in Asia, particularly China. US-based FinTech startup Yuansfer(Yuan + transfer) developed a platform that allows US merchants, both online and brick-and-mortar stores, to conveniently accept these digital wallets for payment. When they were ready to go to market, they brought in The Nation to develop the brand positioning and visual identity.

One of the first things we did was to change the name from Yuansfer to Pockyt.
We designed a new logo and developed a visual identity that is modern and vibrant. We wanted to reflect the end-user demographic, who are young, tech-savvy, and heavy consumers. We produced various marketing materials, presentations, and messaging for sales and social postings. The website embodied the look and feel of this upscale, youthful brand and featured several animation sequences to explain how the platform works.